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Kalymnos Rescue Team

Short History

The Kalymnos Rescue Team was formed in 2013, by people who live on the island in order to cover on a voluntarily basis, as best they can, every climbing accident that could occur on the island.

The team’s main purpose is to aid in any accident concerning climbing or other activities that take place on land and in rough areas that medical care cannot reach easily, as in trekking paths around the island.

The team consists of 23 people, climbers and non climbers, Kalymnian and foreigners who have lived on the island for a long time. The team has trained members to operate on the ground, as well as above it, at any height a climbing accident could occur. The first training was performed by an instructor of the Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering & Climbing and a second one was from Lyon Equipment, UK, both in rope rescue techniques.

Since then, they have gone through training in First Aid, Climbing, and in Rope Rescue, organized by instructors of the Italian CNSAS and the French National Police and Rescue Body.

Kalymnos rescue team was formed by the initiative of local businesses like Alternet tourist services and Wildsports climbing shop and supported by the Petzl Foundation and the Municipality of Kalymnos. Now, the team’s basic funding comes from individual peoples’ support and donations. Their top priority is to keep training in rescue techniques and first aid and to have all the necessary materials for a rescue.

Where and how to find them

The team’s base station is hosted in the basement of Elena Village in Armeos.

The best way for somebody to find them in case of emergency is to call 112, the European emergency number, without charge, and ask to be connected to the Hospital of Kalymnos. The hospital calls them directly and they mobilize to the site of the accident.

It is extremely important for everyone to know that it makes it much easier and quicker for the team to get to the point, if when you call for help, you specify the location, the climbing sector, the situation e.g. hanging or not, in a cave or not, the injury and generally any information that can help them prepare adequately for the rescue.

Other useful numbers are:

Emergency office, Kalymnos hospital: +30 22433 61931

Police station: +30 22430 29301

Ways to help the Kalymnos Rescue Team

Donate! In Kalymnos they have fixed official donation boxes in key points, bars, bike rentals and shops all over the Masouri – Armeos – Panormos area. Alternatively, you can contribute to their efforts using PayPal, through their website.

Kalymnos can use your expertise! If you are a mountain rescuer or a paramedic spending your holidays on Kalymnos and you would like to help, please contact either the team directly, or go find them in their office and let them know you are here and available for a possible rescue. The Kalymnos Experience would also be happy to receive an e-mail from you, letting us know, making sure that your message will reach the team.

The Kalymnos Rescue is a voluntary team and extra hands or knowledge is always needed! Learn more things about the work of the Kalymnos Rescue Team and their extremely useful role. Read about their training and go through their digital log of rescue operations.

About the author
True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is–including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life. - Craig Hamilton

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